Tuesday 13 September 2016

Before entering the program, I had already travelled to a handful of countries. I was indulging into my desire to explore the unknown and was able to enjoy the breathtaking wonders that our world has to offer. I was able to experience white water rafting down the tallest rafting waterfall in New Zealand, climb to the top of an active volcano in Italy, see the birthplace of the Olympic games in Greece, watch some of the most dangerous animals in Australia, and as you can probably imagine the list goes on and on. The only way that these journeys became possible, were because, I was able to join the travel club in high school. I was living in a world of adventure and little did I know, that joining the travel club was just the beginning of the passion I now have.

I graduated from the Travel and Tourism program in 2015, through one of the colleges’ regional campuses in Sioux Lookout. This experience in itself was a whole different world then what I was used too. I didn’t have a teacher in the same room as me, except virtually through the computer. I was able to still live at home, work part time, and go to school full time. You really have to be dedicated to your studies when the majority of it is all online and through distance. At the end of the program we went abroad on a voluntourism trip to China. We literally went to the other side of the world, here a lot of the group experienced culture shock for the first time. Some of us got to climb to the top of the Great Wall, kiss a fish for good luck, eat roasted scorpions on a stick, and we got to see panda bears in their native country. All in all, we had a great time!

Having come from a small town of 5500 people, the choices for jobs in the Tourism industry are quite limited. I walked into the program with my head held high and with a positive attitude and said “I’m going to get a job with the busiest airline that this town has.” Two weeks before graduation, an opportunity arose and I jumped right on it. Two days after completing the program I had a position with Wasaya Airways; as a Customer Service Agent. 10 months into the job I was promoted to Operations Coordinator and then at 17 months with the company, was again promoted to Assistant Station Manager for Sioux Lookout.

None of this could have become possible without the help of Giannina or Rod. These two believed in all of us and gave us their continued support. I encourage anyone who is going to take this program to take full advantage of any opportunity that they are presented with. Go out and reach for your dreams. I know I did and I get to walk into work every day enjoying what I do!

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